Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Ideas and motivation

I was a bit shy about showing my first entry to Mr FortuneCat. He's a really good writer, while I'm just a dabbler.

Being Mr FortuneCat, he insisted on reading it of course. He loves the idea of me having a blog so that he could follow it as well hehe. He also said that we should encourage each other to write something at least once a week. We also decided that we need a deadline to further motivate our blogging experience.

I already made a virtual friend via Bloggers. Her blog is wonderful, she's a really funny lady and from what I can see a very talented cook. Now I've got a Malaysian Cook Mentor if I ever need some tips regarding Malaysian cooking :) Can?

Oh I mentioned I would love to cook more Malaysia dishes. So I have made it an aim to cook it at least once a month. I had this idea awhile ago. Since I'm married to an Australian man, I think the best way to tell him about Malaysian/Malay custom is to have a Malay theme night! Where we would dress up in Traditional Malay costume, eat Malay/Malaysian food and play Malay/Malaysia Trivia. Hmm..Mr FortuneCat needs a Baju Melayu. Wah mesti handsome like this guy! :p


  1. will try my best to help u... wow the idea of having malay theme night is wonderful... :-)

  2. Sweet, more Malaysian cooking! I'm trying to build up my chilli-resistance so I can survive anything the Pixie's in-laws throw at me.

    Bring on the chicken rendang!

  3. Lady,

    Thank you for replying. I think its a pretty way to learn any culture..Kalau rajin, I want to have other culture's night as well. Oh yes, I don't know what happened to your comment on the first post. It just disappeared! I'm such a newbie :( Thanks again for dropping by!


    Your chilli-resistance is really good now, even when I cooked my really hot sambal :p
